January 26, 2009

The Cravings Begin...

For one that RARE-ly eats meat, I sure have been CRAVING yummy steak, complete with mashed potatoes/gravy and steamed veggies! I have eaten this 2 days in a row...Sunday night and again tonight... My husband, of course is in HEAVEN for I don't cook steaks hardly EVER!
I also craved my curry chicken salad on pumpernickle bread complete with sliced avacado and crisp iceberg lettuce for the last couple of weeks until the other day when the smell of it made me queesy!
Funny what happens when we are expecting. 

January 24, 2009


Lately we have been feeling like there is another baby up there just waiting to come down to us. Sure enough, we got pregnant right away!!! We've got two of each, so whatever the sex of the baby is we'll be as happy as parents can be! We are just grateful to our Heavenly Father for blessing us with another one! We are a little sad that my parents will miss the birth of another grandchild as they will be in Africa when it is born...mid-September! 

January 13, 2009

NEBEKER After Christmas Fun!!!

2009 BEGINS...

Richard left on Saturday mid-afternoon for Phoenix, Arizona so he could spend a few days with his family. I did NOT want to drive another 7 hours each way and the kids didn't want to leave their cousins, so we stayed in St. George. Then on Wednesday, Rich picked us up and we drove home getting home on New Years Eve about 6:30 pm. After we got home, we were beat, so we unpacked, ate dinner, gave the kids a bath and put them to bed. Rich and I watched a movie then went right to bed! It was a pretty boring New Year's Eve, but we had a nice New Years Day in which we celebrated with our traditional Black-eyed Pea and Ham soup with Cornbread! YUMMY...

We had a lot of fun but it was finally time to go home! GOODBYE family!
We finally got Mom to try the Wii and she had a lot of fun!
Swimming Volleyball was a BLAST!  This was one of the family traditions when visiting Grandma and Grandpa...the kids LOVE to swim at the Community Pool! 
This was my mom's favorite lunch special which was a Viatnamese Noodle Salad with a yummy homemade fish sauce you pour over the top!  It is now one of my favorites!
 Our traditional "GIRLS DAY OUT" included shopping the day after Christmas as well as trying mom's new favorite dish at the Asia Restaurant.  We had a blast together as always.
The men had the kids over at Dan and Cheryl's home about 20 minutes drive from my parents home and so they had fun with the cousins while they played volleyball and played video games!  So, it seemed to be fun for everyone!

January 12, 2009

Our Family Aprons

My sister, Shauna made an apron for our Christmas Apron Exchange and it has a picture of each of the family (stick figures) and on the right side it says, "Meddle not in the affairs of chefs, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!" CUTE...THANKS SHAUNA! We just got it today, better late than never, right...it would've helped to have the right address though, huh?!

Here are all the other Aprons

Of the aprons/towels that are in the picture below, which do you think I made?
  If you guessed the blue patch-work one that my youngest sister, Shelley is wearing, you'd be right! I spent less than $5 on mine because I used a lot of leftover material I have had for a long time and bought the basic apron for less than $2! I also had different colored blue buttons. I did buy an aplaque of a dragonfly because Shelley used to love them and ironed that on right beside her hand-stitched name. It really didn't take long at all and was kind of fun to make a homemade gift for each other this Christmas....it meant a little more to us all I think!!!  Stevie made mom 2 African towels, I made the one Shelley is wearing, Chantel made the black one that Stevie is wearing with the claw mark through it, Mom made the white one Cheryl is wearing, Chantel is modeling the cute Hungary one that Cheryl made for her complete with chili pepper pockets...Chantel served her mission to Budepest, Hungary.  And the picture I am holding up is the one Shelley made for Shauna that was sent in the mail.  It was a cute Travel the world themed apron.  The winner was Shelley...great job!

January 9, 2009

Rachael & Mom...

Rachael is such a huggy girl...she's helped me become more loving of a mother. Thanks for being Mom's teacher for a change. I love you Rachael!
Rachael took this picture of me...

January 8, 2009

Twas the Night Before Christmas & Christmas Day!

A fun-filled Christmas day made NAPPING a necessity, so...
Aleah and Mom enjoy a nice snooze.  AHHHHHHH
Aunt Chantel show the kids a good time playing the PetShop game!

We worked on a puzzle together which is one of our Nebeker traditions which I keep doing in my own family now! We played a lot of fun games like "Apples to Apples", "Hand and Foot" which is a fun card game, and "6-handed Rook". The kids had fun playing "Sorry" with Grandpa as well as a couple other games Grandma has on hand for when the grandkids come to visit.
Stevie and Rachael try out her new Dance Mat!
Kids on Christmas Morning!
Steve relaxing on Christmas Day!
All the kid's Gingerbread men...
                      Jacob's decorated Gingerbread Man!                                   Grandkids' Christmas Fun
Cheryl and Charise jammin' with Guitar Hero!
Some of the fun activities that we participated in during our visit with family this Christmas included my sister's GUITAR HERO Wii game....that was by far my favorite even though I wasn't very good, it was a ton of fun!

 Cheryl and I are modeling the matching dresses that mom gave us for Christmas! They are nice but a little short, so I didn't wear it often and perhaps only once when I had some dark tights to wear to keep my garments from showing.
My sister, Shelley gave me that dress that you see me wearing...it's pretty cool!
Puzzles are such fun...

Opening our gifts time...Cheryl and Dan's family came over to my parents home in the late morning to join in the fun!
 Emptying their stockings!
 We left carrots for Santa's reindeer and they sometimes leave a little present in gratitude...this year was no exception!  The kids love this family tradition we started when I was young and living in England with my family!
Christmas Morning Arrives!

 Jacob plays the piano at Grandparents home on Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve PJ time

Christmas Eve!
Mom arranged for us to all go carol at the old folks home and brought them all a balloon.  

                                                                                       Grandma and grandkids!
You've probably heard the old English carol...this is my St. George, Utah version..."Christmas is coming the SWANS (goose) are getting fat...please put a penny in the SANTA (old man's hat.  If he hasn't a penny a hay-penny will do, and if he hasn't a hay-penny than God bless you.  God bless you little kid (gentlemen), God bless you, if you haven't got a hay-penny than God bless you!"

 Dove Center
Mom arranged for us to drop off gifts to this transitional home for children.
These toys will be very much appreciated by these children here!

Santa Jacob Reindeer?
Reindeer Rachael!

December 23rd, 2008
This breakfast is a family favorite and Rich helped make it this morning...creamed eggs on toast...



Our Christmas began on Sunday, December 21st, 2008 when we got a knock on the door and found that Santa had delivered one of our Christmas presents early! It was a new Electronic Piano! WOW!! I think Santa knew we needed something bigger than a little keyboard since we'll have two in piano lessons in March! The kids were pretty excited. Then we drove down to St. George (about 4 1/2 hour drive) to spend time with my parents before leaving on their 18 month mission to Mozembique, Africa. 

Homemade Toys for Christmas!

 Rich decided that this year, he would make homemade things for the kids' Christmas gifts...he made rubberband guns for each of the boys that shoot six rubberbands in a row... he had fun creating a trigger to make it work and it didn't take very long either... the boys thought they were WAY COOL!!!

He designed and built this shelf for Rachael to put all of her pet shops on display or whatever else she wants to display later. She loves it...especially the crown above her name.

This Rocking Horse for Aleah was finished right before we left on December 22nd. It still needs some modifications, but when fixed, it will be a fun toy for her! GREAT JOB RICH! I love having such a handy and CREATIVE husband!

Clark Planetarium 3-D movie fun!!!

We took the kids to the Planetarium December 20th to see the 3-D movie "Santa V.S. the Snowman" mostly because Rachael got a free ticket from participating in the Eagle Bay Elementary Reflections competition in which she did a dance video with the theme "WOW". She did a GREAT job and is going on to the district level...the only dance video that moved on! She also got a free regular movie pass and a nice ribbon...WAY TO GO RACHAEL!!! So we spent some time with the kids watching the movie as well as watching the BIG BALL TOWER you see in the picture. They are fascinated with this small engineering marvel. My boys are little engineers themselves! It was a fun day to start out our Christmas season before traveling to St. George for Christmas!

Funny Kid Moments!

December 20, 2011- We were all in the kitchen making gingerbread and I had just taken out the first batch of the gingerbread boy and girl. As I attempted to scrape up the girl on the spatula, she was too soft and started to fall apart as I quickly placed the mangled mess on the brown paper bag! Qaiden pointed to the messed up cookie and said, "Ladies first!" and "Mom killed her!" It was just so funny I changed from being really upset that I had ruined the cookie to laughing so hard at the random funny comment! I keep telling the boys, "Ladies first", and I guess it is sinking in!

November 2011- I like to recycle plastic containers and so I had just washed out one of them and placed the plastic lid on top the toaster (near the sink) to dry. Jacob went to put some bread in the toaster and while in there, the lid melted! Just a little while later as I was getting dinner prepared, Qaiden sat on the stove counter right next to the hot stove top. I told Q to get down off the counter but he was slow to obey. I had turned off the stove, but one of the burners was still hot and so as Q sat there, his coat was lying on the still hot burner and his inner part of the coat melted. I was a bit angry with him for not being obedient and was pretty frustrated. At this point, I turned to the boys and said, "Ok, and the winner for the 'NO-BRAINER' award goes to...drum roll please...QAIDEN!" I changed from being angry to laughing because of how funny my own comment seemed to me! ;) (Sometimes you just gotta laugh at yourself!)So, whenever we do something stupidly funny, we call it the NO-BRAINER award! It's become quite funny to see some of the silly things we do each day!

May 25, 2010- As the kids got ready for school this morning, I asked Rachael if she remembered to get a leotard for Gymnastics today after school. Qaiden overheard and said "...it's NOT Aleah-tard, it's a Rachael-tard! And I would wear a Qaiden-tard!" Ohhhh the silly things that kids come up with!

Jan 20, 2010- I was in the middle of winding the cord of our kirby vacuum cleaner while singing 'Ring around the rosies a pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes we all fall down'...and Aleah just standing there all the sudden dropped to her bottom without bending her knees (looked a little awkward). It was just one of those moments that made me laugh because it was so unexpected!